Candice Cameron
Oil & Acrylic Painting
Inspiration for these paintings comes from a sense of wonderment elicited by the incredible vistas, picturesque vineyards, woodlands and the ever-changing light of Oregon’s diverse landscape. In these works, the viewer is asked to seek deeper symbolic meaning as might be suggested by the play of paint or the image presented.
candicecameronfineart.com / candicencameron@gmail.com / 971.237.4660
Artisan Murals & Design: 2250 NW Nut Tree Lane, McMinnville, OR 97128
From McMinnville, turn from Hwy 99W onto Baker St, which becomes NW Baker Creek Rd. Continue going straight through the roundabout. Follow sign to Orchard View Rd. At the stop sign, proceed straight ahead (west) onto NW Pheasant Hill Rd. Turn right on Nut Tree Ln, studio is on the right.
Wheelchair accessible.
(Click on map below to open Google Maps)