Denny Patella
I have been photographing for over fifty years. My subjects include landscapes, the built environment, and other people. Ansel Adams was an early influence, especially in his Zone System integration of the photographic process. Landscape painter friends enriched my own work with their use of color. All my work is processed and presented to archival standards.
dfpatella@gmail.com / 907.350.7854
Exhibiting at the Rose of Third Street: 516 N 3rd Street, McMinnville OR 97128
From McMinnville, take Hwy 99W, turn east on 3rd St, on the right in the same block is the Mac Theater. They are upstairs in the Old Elks Club.
There is no wheelchair access, but there is a chair lift. Sharing space with six other artists.
(Click on map below to open Google Maps)