Donna Sires
I strive to capture and enhance light, texture, and color to create a painting where even the smallest details are brought to life. I explore the world around me to convey tranquility and peace to the viewers in both landscapes and pet portraiture. My hope is to inspire everyone to look more closely at the stunning world in which we live and discover the beauty all around us.
donnasiresart.com / donna@donnasiresart.com / Instagram / Facebook / 503.577.8018
2808 N Main Street, Newberg, OR 97132
From Newberg, on Hwy 99W, turn north on College St, Hwy #219. Go 1 mile and turn left on Mountain View, go to the stop sign, turn right on N Main St, go 0.2 miles. Studio is on the right.
(Click on map below to open Google Maps)