Natalia Novikoff
Oil, Acrylic, Charcoal, Pastel, & Watercolor
Seeing the beauty of God’s creation which surrounds me, I cannot remain indifferent - so I make art. Brilliant sky colors and sunsets make my soul sing. So I take my paintbrushes and easel, driving around the countryside, seeking for the perfect location to create my plain air paintings.
novikoff7310@gmail.com / 714.613.2443
23260 SE Royal Anne Drive, Amity, OR 97101
From Newberg , southwest on Hwy 99W, turn left on Hwy 18. Go past the Dayton exit and turn left on Hwy 233. At the stop sign continue forward. The road becomes Hopewell/Lafayette Hwy. Go about 6 miles to Hood View Rd, turn right. It turns into Eola Hills Rd. Go about three miles winding up the hill to the second driveway after Franquette. Turn left on Royal Anne Dr. It’s the second shop on the right.
From Amity on Hwy 99W, turn left at the market onto Nursery St. Go 0.5 miles and turn right on Old Bethel Ro. Turn left on Eola Hills Ro. Wind up the hill about 3 miles, turn right on Royal Anne Dr. Second shop on the right.
Sharing studio with Steve & Toni Tyree. Wheelchair accessible.
(Click on map below to open Google Maps)