Catherine Borchert
Mixed Media Painting
I am a transplant from Sonoma County, California to the wondrous Willamette Valley. A retired art teacher and working artist, I moved to be near my family. I paint with joyful colors and with passion. My first love is mixed media and I love working with paper, metal, wood, glass, and other ‘orphaned’ objects that call my name.
Newest Work (last five images in slideshow): I just finished The Merry Little Misfits gang, and am tickled by their appearance. The Merry Little Misfits were born in my studio this summer, so-named because of a quote I choose to live by: ”You be you; everyone else is taken.” One-by-one, almost organically, these merry little misfits introduced themselves to me, as if they’d already existed and needed me to cast off their invisibility cloak. I found myself giggling in my studio. After so many months and years of bad news: Covid, war, global warming, divisiveness, and intolerance, laughter felt darn good! So - embrace YOUR personality! Just like these singular, unique, idiosyncratic, familiar yet ‘something is different’ critters, remember that you are uniquely you, and should celebrate that. I hope one of them speaks particularly to you or someone you know.
studiobwithme.com / 503.560.8074
1318 NE Galloway Street, McMinnville, OR 97128
Going north on Hwy 99W, (SE Baker St), turn right on 12th St, then left on NE Galloway. Studio is on your right.
(Click on map below to open Google Maps)