James Dowlen

Watercolor, Oil, Graphite, & Lino Printmaking

Beautiful aberrations of nature, rare curiosities, and things of the spirit world. It's all stuff that falls to the periphery of my artistic eye. They are mine to examine, dissect, and assimilate into my personal surrealistic dreams... these gems reveal themselves in my drawings and the paintings, it's my art! This year Iā€™m presenting a new series of watercolor paintings.


dowlenartworks.com / james@dowlenartworks.com / 503.437.5507


Dowlen Artworks: 822 NE Baker Street, McMinnville, OR 97128

 From McMinnville, take Baker St (Hwy 99W) north, just five blocks from the old downtown 3rd St. The studio is on the right in the middle of the block

Not wheelchair accessible.

(Click on map below to open Google Maps)