Jeanne Cuddeford
Oil, Watercolor, & Acrylic Painting
I am in awe of the ever-changing color, shape and mood in my Oregon landscapes. I want to put it all on canvas. Catching the sun as it highlights a mountain or seeing the glow as it spotlights flowers, creates an excitement which I hope to capture in my paintings.
jeannecuddeford.com / jeanne.cuddeford@yahoo.com / 503.628.1595
22900 SW Jaquith Road, Newberg, OR 97132
From Portland, go SW on Scholls Ferry Rd. At the round-about, head towards Newberg. In a mile, turn right on Jaquith Rd and go another mile. Studio is the fourth house on the left.
From Newberg, on Hwy 99W, turn right on Hwy 219 (College St). Continue over the summit of Chehalem Mountain toward Scholls. Three miles past the summit, turn left on Jaquith Rd. Go 1 mile on Jaquith, to the third house on the left.
Not wheelchair accessible.
(Click on map below to open Google Maps)