Joanne Licardo
Oil Painting
Paint gives me a way to pay attention and share what I have observed. Living in the town of Ballston has inspired both imaginary and realistic landscapes. The beauty that surrounds me has touched my art and set the mood. I have been creating visually since I could hold a pencil. After a period of realistic painting, I am now exploring to paint from my imagination – I find balance by doing both.
joannelicardo.com / phthalo42blue@yahoo.com / 503.200.7979
9055 De Jong Road, Amity, OR 97101
From McMinnville, head south on Hwy 18, stop at Mason-Rivera Sculpture Garden, then continue ½ mile and turn left on SW Christenson Rd, then turn right on De Jong Rd. Go through Ballston ad, 1 block. Turn right to the studio.
From Amity, head south on 99W, turn right on W Perrydale Rd, turn right on Tucker Rd, turn left on Ballston Rd, and turn left on De Jong Rd. Go one more block and turn right to the studio.
(Click on map below to open Google Maps)