Kahlia Mae Knox
Polymer Clay Jewelry & Decor
I’ve been the graphic designer for the AHST for six years and this is my first year joining as an artist! I started dabbling with polymer clay last year, (ages after it became a pandemic fad), and have really enjoyed making fun and colorful jewelry and decor. I love to make people happy! Seeing the spark of joy on someone's face because of something I made is the whole reason I'm an artist.
BRIGHTLY CLEAR DESIGNS | brightlycleardesigns.com / brightlycleardesigns@gmail.com / Instagram / Facebook
Exhibiting at Velvet Monkey Tea Shop: 406 NE 3rd Street, McMinnville, OR 97128
Directions: From Hwy 99W, turn east on 3rd St. The shop is on the corner of 3rd and Davis St, and down a flight of stairs.
Sharing space with Amber Joy Dutchuk.
(Click on map below to open Google Maps)