Tabby Ivy
Contemporary Oil Painting
After thirty years in Montana, I now call Carlton, Oregon, home. In my work I rely on intuitive spontaneity and curiosity to guide me through the painting process. I strive for my paintings to be evocative and engaging, while leaving a bit of mystery for the viewer to ponder.
tabbyivy.com / tabbyivy@centurylink.net / Instagram / 406.253.1646
Tabby Ivy Fine Art Studio: 398 S 8th Street, Carlton, OR 97111
Directions: My home studio is 1/2 mile from downtown Carlton. From 99W in McMinnville take Hwy 47 north, five miles to Carlton. Turn right (east) on Main St to S 7th St (JR Meadows), turn right (south) to end of street. Left on E Wilson to 8th St. House on corner.
(Click on map below to open Google Maps)