Leslie Struxness
I have been a photographer for more than 20 years. Although I reside in the Pacific Northwest, I have become an international medical volunteer and an intrepid adventure traveler. Photography allows me to capture and immortalize the moment. I strive to make my work authentic, and transformative.
Worldwide Images by Leslie | leslie-struxness.pixels.com / worldwideimagesbyleslie@gmail.com / 360.798.8815
Exhibiting at Archer Vineyard Tasting Room at Dundee Hills Resort: 9664 NE Fox Farm Road, Dundee, OR 97115
From Newberg, take Hwy 99W to Dundee. Turn right on NE Fox Farm Rd. The tasting room is on your right.
Leslie Struxness is showing in the Tasting Room (downstairs) and Rob Ramage is in the Dundee Hills Resort Community Room.
(Click on map below to open Google Maps)